It’s Monday What are you Reading?!?

This week I was walking around the library and looking for books to read and then I saw the Berenstain Bear collection! Right when I saw these I knew that I was going to read these. I used to love reading these books when I was younger. These books are fun and exciting for kids. I think I liked this series because there is a young boy that I probably related myself too. Most of these books were wrote in the 80’s.
I read The Berenstain Bears and the Truth, The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat, The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby, The Berenstain Bears: Kindness Counts, The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners, The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor, and The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food.

These books were all awesome and brought me back to my younger days. My top two were The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners and The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food. The first one is about when Mamma Bear try’s to improve her family’s manners. She tries to improve her family’s manners which is unsuccessful until she thinks of a great idea. She comes up with a plan to insert a chart list that has all the chores on it. Mamma Bear also comes up with penalties that everyone gets when they are being rude. This book is funny and also shows the kids that read this book what they can do to help their parents at home. The second book is about when Momma Bear starts to notice that Papa Bear and the cubs are starting to get chubby. She gets help from Dr. Grizzly and shows her family on how the body works and what they should do to become healthy. They start eating healthy and start good fitness habits. This is also a good book for kids because in this day of age we do have an obesity problem and this can help students see what they can do to have better health

I also read Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! This was a very clever book and the children will have a great time with it. Students get to interact during the book, teacher can do multiple activities with it.
** I apologize for not having any pictures of the books on here but for some reason I couldn’t get anything to paste on here. I will figure out what the problem is and fix by next week.

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